Genomics Core Leuven is an academic-based knowledge and technology platform that facilitates access to different sequencing technologies and shares expertise in sequence analyses and data processing. We are a collaborative effort of the Centre of Human Genetics at KU Leuven and UZ Leuven for making state-of-the-art technologies, protocols and bioinformatic pipelines available for research and clinical diagnostics. Large infrastructure grants and investment from University Hospitals led to the development of the largest sequencing facility in Belgium.

The Genomics Core has multiple lllumina systems, provides access to single-cell sequencing technology and also to PacBio & Oxford Nanopore long-read technology. Several liquid handling robots are used for automating the sample preparation workflows for different applications. Different single cell genomics fluidics pipelines are available: a liquid handling robotic pipeline based on single cell sorting, a custom droplet fluidics system and platform for rare cell isolation (dielectrophoretic cage array microfluidics system).

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven UZ Leuven Laboratories are accredited by BELAC under certificate number 215-MED.

We collaborate with scientist (all biological fields), clinicians, research institutions, European infrastructures and industry representatives across the world.


Our mission: 

  • We believe in advancing science through making the next-generation sequencing technologies and analysis accessible for everyone. As a result, we optimize value to implement high quality novel technologies as service for research & clinical diagnostics.


Our people

We are a group of enthusiast lab scientists and bioinformaticians dedicated to enable next-generation sequencing and data analysis to everyone. We work together with our collaborators from experimental design and implementation to data analysis and publication. Our Operations Committee is a group of world-class leaders that leads the vision and push the boundaries on what the next step is in our future and provide their biomedical expertise in large-scale collaborative projects.


Our leadership team:

Wouter Bossuyt, PhD – Genomics Core Manager   

Annelien Verfaillie, PhD – Operational Group Responsible

Operations Committee

Prof. Joris Vermeesch (Coordination)Laboratory for Cytogenetics and Genome Research

Prof. Gert Matthijs – Laboratory for Molecular Diagnosis

Prof. Diether Lambrechts – Laboratory of Translational Genetics

Prof. Stein Aerts – Laboratory of Computational Biology

Prof. Jan Cools – Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Leukemia